Concealed Carry Classes
Currently teaching Private Classes only
Did you know women obtaining their Concealed Carry Permit is up 500% over the past 10 years?
You will receive your official Concealed Carry certificate to be brought to your County Sheriff Department issuing your permit.
Your permit will be valid for 5 years and only a $75 renewal fee is required.
price starts at $200 (add $20 for ammo)
50 rounds of 9mm per person plus extra fun ammunition such as 20 gauge and .38 special.
Lots of fun targets and range fees included!
cost is $50 per person
Ladies’ Night
Ladies only!!COST $20, plus extra for ammo.
Come enjoy a night of shooting with your girlfriends every season.
Next Ladies Night will be in March
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Calibers Indoor Range, Wilmington, NC
Private Basic Handgun Lessons
Rates starting at
$175 per person
RATES INCLUDE: Handgun Safety and Skills Lesson, Range Time, Firearm Usage and Targets! Ammunition can be brought or will be sold separately.
2 hour lesson (1 hour at home and roughly 1 hour at the range)
Learn basic firearms safety, gun range etiquette, and sight alignment in the PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME. Then we will take your new skills to the shooting range.
Already know how to shoot? Great! We offer refresher courses starting at $50 per lesson.
Do you have kids in your household between the ages of 8-15 that wish to participate? With a parent present we welcome them. Rates start at $75 per student. No firearm? No problem. We have multiple firearms ranging in .22 rifles, .9mm and .22 handguns, and .357 revolvers for you to try out.
There are over 150,000 gun owners in North Carolina alone. Perhaps there is a stigma against it where you live; perhaps friends or acquaintances don’t want to casually reveal that they are gun owners; perhaps it simply hasn’t ever occurred to them to tell you about it. All of the above means that it is entirely possible that you or someone in your care may see or discover a firearm at some point in your lifetime. Learn how to feel safe if the occasion ever presents itself.
Why Learn to Shoot?
We are all our own First Responders. Becoming self-reliant in loading, aiming and firing a gun will only help empower you. Did you know that the average response time for Police is 8-10 minutes? A LOT can happen in that time which is why it is imperative to have a means of self-protection.
Shooting a firearm is your Constitutional Right! Unlike millions of people in the world, Americans have a Second Amendment Right to keep and bear arms. The right to self defense is ingrained in our Bill of Rights and is still exercised by over 300 million Americans today.
A gun is only as dangerous as the person using it, which is why it’s so important that people learn how to handle them and train often. Not only is learning how to properly use a gun very rewarding, it also teaches responsibility and discipline. Kids as young as 8 years old can participate as long as a parent is with them. Teaching children what to do if they come across a firearm without parental supervision can SAVE LIVES. We teach those 4 vital steps in our class as well.
Learning how to properly shoot a gun can be an extremely positive and confidence boosting experience. Many people express the sense of empowerment. Many people are unaware that firearms save upwards of 3,000,000 lives every year in the United States. Sometimes just brandishing a weapon will have a would-be criminal running for the hills.
Shooting is fun! There is no other feeling like hitting your first bulls-eye! I promise once you try shooting you will want to shoot again. Become a safe, responsible shooter today!